Your answers help us to constantly improve our service.
The duration of the survey takes about 3 minutes.


How would you rate MUNIT on a scale of 1 to 5
(where 1 stands for not satisfied and 5 for extremely satisfied):

1) Communication and interaction with customers?

2) Level of expertise?

3) Ability to deliver micronization services?

4) Overall service?

5) Would you suggest working with MUNIT?

6) How can we improve our service?
Complete all the required fields


Have you worked with Jetpharma?

Answer the question


How would you rate Jetpharma on a scale of 1 to 5
(where 1 stands for not satisfied and 5 for extremely satisfied):

1) Easy understanding of the preliminary forms requested?

2) Courtesy and competence of Jetpharma staff?

3) Ease of identifying the contact person during the project phases?

4) Quality of the service and the deliverables provided?

5) Compliance with delivery times?

6) Flexibility in handling any problems and/ or change requests during processing?

7) Promptness of the responses?

8) Packaging and shipping support?

9) Managing of complaints?

10) Would you suggest working with Jetpharma?

11) How can we improve our service?
Complete all the required fields


Have you worked with Microchem?

Answer the question


How would you rate Microchem on a scale of 1 to 5
(where 1 stands for not satisfied and 5 for extremely satisfied):

1) Easy understanding of the preliminary forms requested?

2) Courtesy and competence of Microchem staff?

3) Ease of identifying the contact person during the project phases?

4) Quality of the service and the deliverables provided?

5) Compliance with delivery times?

6) Flexibility in handling any problems and/ or change requests during processing?

7) Promptness of the responses?

8) Packaging and shipping support?

9) Managing of complaints?

10) Would you suggest working with Microchem?

11) How can we improve our service?
Complete all the required fields


The survey has ended, thank you.

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