Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Munit SA website

This privacy policy sets out how Munit SA, a company based in Lugano, Switzerland (“Munit” or “us”), uses and protects personal data provided when using this website and in particular when participating in the satisfaction surveys available on our website.
If you are asked to provide information that could allow user identification as a result of the use of this website, we guarantee that these will be processed and used in accordance with this policy.

Who is the data controller?

Munit SA
Via Crocicchio Cortogna
66900 Lugano

What data does Munit collect?

We can collect the following information provided by you:

  • Name and address, where requested
  • e-mail address
  • all information inserted in the relevant satisfaction survey available on the website

What does Munit do with the information collected?

Data processing takes place for quality control and enhancement in relation to the services offered by Munit and its affiliates (Jetpharma SA, Balerna, Switzerland and Microchem Srl, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy; jointly “Affiliates”). Specifically, we process the so collected personal data to identify the degree of satisfaction of our customers, to maintain our services’ quality standards or evaluate and adopt any corrective or alternative measures and procedures to enhance the quality of our services. As part of this processing we may contact the user for additional information and feedback, that will then be processed for the same purposes.

Who has access to and receives user data?

Within Munit and its Affiliates, employees who need user data to fulfill evaluate the degree of satisfaction, identify and implement any corrective or alternative measures. Service providers and auxiliaries appointed by us may also have access to the data for the purposes indicated above. These include IT, logistics, consulting and sales companies.
Munit does not sell, distribute or otherwise make available to third parties (for the pursuit of their own purposes) personal data of users except with express consent of the user, or in case there is a legal obligation to communicate them.

Are user data transferred abroad?

We may disclose or transfer to our Affiliate in Italy and to any service provider indicated above, based abroad.
Data transfer abroad may include transfer to jurisdictions that i) ensure an adequate level of data protection for the rights and freedom of the subjects in relation to data processing, ii) benefit from adequacy decisions related to their level of protection (i.e. adequacy decisions by the European Commission or the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner) or iii) do not benefit from such adequacy decisions, and do not provide an adequate level of data protection. In the latter case, Munit ensures that adequate safeguard measures are in place, for example using data protection standard contractual clauses established by the European Commission.

Are the data processed securely?

We are committed to ensuring the security of the data we process. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place adequate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and protect the information collected.

Are cookies and Google Analytics used?

No, our website does not use technical cookies or other web-analysing services such as Google Analytics.

Is there any use of links to other websites or to external services?
Our website may include materials and information from third-party suppliers. This content and all related functionalities are not controlled by us, and we are not responsible for how third-party suppliers might use personal data collected during user visits to materials and information provided by said third-party suppliers. Users must refer to information on the privacy policy of the relevant third-party supplier.

Our website contains in particular links to our pages and/or publications on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, youtube. Please be aware that, when the user follows said links and leaves our site, we have no control over the data processing performed on such other websites. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the protection and privacy of the information provided during the visit of these sites or for the personal data collection performed by means of tracking tools used on such websites. The data processing on such websites is not governed by this privacy statement, but by the privacy policy applicable to the relevant website.

Furthermore, in the case of user contributions on the Munit pages of social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, Munit is not responsible for the processing of personal data by these sites. Any information that the user provides through the use of these features is governed by the appropriate privacy policy of the relevant third-party supplier, and not by this document. We have no control over this, and we are not responsible for how third-party suppliers might use information provided through this functionality.

What are the rights of users regarding their personal data?

Each user has the following rights:
  • the right to access personal data and to receive a copy;
  • the right to rectify incorrect personal data;
  • the right to erase data in the event that they are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or processed, or when their processing is no longer lawful for other reasons (in this case, this right is however limited by the duration of data retention mentioned in the following chapter);
  • the right to request processing limitation (pursuant to the conditions provided for by data protection regulations);
  • the right to object to data processing. Despite the user's opposition, Munit may nevertheless continue to process the data if the processing (i) is imposed by a legal obligation, (ii) is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations with the user or (iii) is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of Munit.

Where applicable, individual users also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent authority for data protection.

The user can finally withdraw consent to the processing of personal data granted to Munit at any time. Please note that the revocation of consent will have no effect on the validity of data processing prior to revocation.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by e-mail (to or by letter.

What is the duration of data retention?

We will process and store the personal data of users for as long as necessary in order to comply with our contractual and legal obligations. We will delete or make personal data anonymous once they are no longer necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes, unless (i) any applicable legal or regulatory provision regarding the retention of personal data requires retention for a longer period or (ii) conservation is necessary to prepare, exercise or defend against actual or potential legal actions, investigations or similar procedures.

Do we use automated decision-making processes or profiling methods?

Munit does not use any automated decision-making process and does not use profiling methods.